Wednesday, December 28, 2011

15 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Preparing to go home for the holidays.  

Sleep:  Hit and miss....I'm thinking about investing in a pregnancy pillow.  

Movement:  Not yet, but it shouldn't be too much longer.  

Food cravings:  Nothing new.

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Having more energy...I feel like such a bump on a log sometimes.  

What I am looking forward to:  Spending the holidays with my parents. 

Milestones:  The tiny bones in baby's body are beginning to harden, which is known as ossification.

Baby Size:  apple

Weekly Wisdom:  Nothing worth having is ever gotten easily.  (This one I got from Russ)

14 Weeks

Disclaimer: I got behind with the blog so the next couple weeks don't line up with the days posted, just wanted to put that out there to avoid any confusion if there was any :)

Best moment this week:  Getting a lot done around the house.  I mostly feel exhausted rather than energetic so the bursts of energy are refreshing and definitely welcome.  

Sleep:  Been sleeping a little better.  I think the trips to the chiropractor are helping.  I find myself sleeping on my back at times during the night...but I'm trying to nip that in the bud before I hit the 20 week mark when it's not recommended to sleep on your back anymore.     

Movement:  Not that I can discern yet.  

Food cravings:  Nothing new this week.

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Sleeping through the night.  

What I am looking forward to:  Feeling the baby move.    

Milestones:  Starting the second trimester.

Baby Size:  lemon 

Weekly Wisdom:  You're not a pioneer (my dad used to tell me this all the time growing up to remind me that many on this earth have gone before me and have experienced that which I was anything less than enthusiastic about and had successfully done so). 

Monday, December 12, 2011

13 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Getting to hear baby's heartbeat again.  This time it was 156 bpm.

Sleep:  Still having issues with sleep; may be due to my pillow or my lower back and hip that have been bothering me...headed to the chiropractor soon to hopefully remedy the back and hip discomfort though.    

Movement:  Not that I can feel yet.  

Food cravings:  Nothing in particular lately, just random things I'll think about or see and must have.  Also, when I'm drinking water, it has to have ice in it...for some reason it seems more yummy with ice.    

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Being able to eat steak that isn't well-done and raw sushi.  

What I am looking forward to:  Starting to show.    

Milestones:  Baby can make a fist and even suck his/her thumb.

Baby Size:  medium shrimp

Weekly Wisdom:  If you get a flu shot during your pregnancy, there is a preservative free option available.  You might have to seek it out but it's out there.