Sleep: Getting better at staying on my side at night and putting a pillow between my knees helps too.
Movement: Random thumps and thuds.
Food cravings: Nothing on a consistent basis but my most recent craving was for a Krispy Kreme doughnut...which I didn't get but it's probably only a matter of time before I cave. My normal portions aren't enough anymore, I've been eating like a horse!
Gender: Unknown
What I miss: Not being able to sit still very long. I'm quite restless these days.
What I am looking forward to: My next appointment with the midwife; it's time for the anatomy scan ultrasound. I'm really excited to see the baby's progress.
Milestones: Vernix caseosa is beginning to coat baby's skin. This coating helps regulate baby's body temperature and helps protect baby's skin while submerged in amniotic fluid.
Baby Size: heirloom tomato
Weekly Wisdom: Don't feel guilty when you start to sleep more than and baby need it!