Tuesday, January 24, 2012

19 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Shopping at the maternity store.  I had a great experience with the friendly sales associate and found some cute dresses and some jeans.    

Sleep:  Getting better at staying on my side at night and putting a pillow between my knees helps too. 

Movement:  Random thumps and thuds.   

Food cravings:  Nothing on a consistent basis but my most recent craving was for a Krispy Kreme doughnut...which I didn't get but it's probably only a matter of time before I cave.  My normal portions aren't enough anymore, I've been eating like a horse!    

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Not being able to sit still very long.  I'm quite restless these days. 

What I am looking forward to:  My next appointment with the midwife; it's time for the anatomy scan ultrasound.  I'm really excited to see the baby's progress.

Milestones:  Vernix caseosa is beginning to coat baby's skin.  This coating helps regulate baby's body temperature and helps protect baby's skin while submerged in amniotic fluid.    

Baby Size:  heirloom tomato

Weekly Wisdom:  Don't feel guilty when you start to sleep more than normal....you and baby need it!         

Thursday, January 19, 2012

18 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Being home.

Sleep:  Much better.

Movement:  Thumps and thuds every now and then.   

Food cravings:  None, but I do find that sometimes nothing sounds appetizing.      

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Sleeping on my tummy.   

What I am looking forward to:  Seeing Russ soon, even if it's only for a couple of hours (although I'm hoping I get to see him longer than that). 

Milestones:  Baby's fingerprints are developing this week.    

Baby Size:  sweet potato

Weekly Wisdom:  Don't look so forward to the future that you don't enjoy the present.         

17 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Spending time with my in-laws at Disney.  

Sleep:  Hit and miss.

Movement:  Been feeling some fluttering.   

Food cravings:  Nothing in particular; but sometimes I really want to drink something  with carbonation.    

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Being able to ride ALL of the rides at Disney.   

What I am looking forward to:  Getting to see my pups....I've really missed them while I've been traveling.  

Milestones:  The baby can hear me talk/sing.   

Baby Size:  onion

Weekly Wisdom:  Share things with your husband about what's going on with your body during your pregnancy, you're their gateway into the experience since they'll never know it first hand.          

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

16 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Spending time with my parents and I think I felt baby move this week!    

Sleep:  Better....I think I am mastering sleeping solely on my side now.  It took awhile for me to get the height of my pillow right to support my neck. 

Movement:  I happened to be reading online about quickening (the initial movement of the baby where the mother actually can feel it) while I was laying in bed and I put my hand on my belly and felt two distinct thumps.  It could've been anything but I'm going to say it was baby.   

Food cravings:  Now that I'm in Italy....pizza and pasta.  

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Russ; it's especially hard without him during the holidays and now I'm an emotionally hormonal pregnant lady to boot!  

What I am looking forward to:  My next appointment with my midwife. 

Milestones:  Feeling baby's first movement and Grandma and Grandpa Jasso bought baby's first outfit (see below).

Baby Size:  avocado

Weekly Wisdom:  Cherish every moment with your loved ones.    

Baby's first outfit

Closeup of the cute giraffes