Saturday, April 28, 2012

33 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Going to the Mossy Creek's a local festival where artists and craftsmen sell things they 've made.  I love going to festivals like that.

Sleep:  Starting to have a little insomnia, but once I'm asleep I sleep hard. 

Movement:  Lots of thumps and bumps....I love it.  

Food cravings:  Baked potato.

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Having energy!  I've started feeling exhausted again.    

What I am looking forward to:  Getting to see Russ soon!!!

Milestones:  Baby spends most of the day and night sleeping and is also dreaming. 

Baby Size:  honeydew  

Weekly Wisdom:  Slow down....(this is my own advice to myself!).  It's easy to get bogged down with all the things you want done before baby arrives but in the scheme of things, there are only a few essential things that need to be done or purchased when baby arrives....the rest is just extra, if you get it done great and if not, no worries. 

32 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Spending the weekend with the Hilton/Bemis ladies and having baby shower #2.  It was so nice too to have my parents there.    

Sleep:  Still good.

Movement:  More frequent, but smaller movements for the most part.  I think baby is running out of room in there.  

Food cravings:  Been hankering for toast lately and I also have been drinking lots of milk.  

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Walking without waddling....I have now developed the pregnant waddle.    

What I am looking forward to:  Meeting up with my doula, Erica.    

Milestones:  Baby is practicing sucking and breathing and is estimated to be at about 4 pounds at this stage.      

Baby Size:  a large squash

Weekly Wisdom:  If you're someone that enjoys pedicures....get one!  Oh how nice it feels to have someone rub your calves and feet.  

cute chandelier decoration Aunt Mimi put together
made of teethers, pacifiers, and baby spoons

the bounty of presents for baby.....
thank you Hilton, Bemis, and Ferenczy families!

the spread of yummy food

beautiful and yummy cake

working on making an origami mobile for baby

some paper cranes

working on a special origami project to put on the
mobile for Russ....a Chocobo from Final Fantasy

still working hard on our Chocobo's....they were SO hard!   

some of the finished products, as close as we could get them  

the finished origami mobile for baby, complete with Chocobo's

Thursday, April 12, 2012

31 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Looking through the baby book my parents made of my first couple years.  It was so neat to read about the things I was doing/learning with each passing month that first year of my life.  And of course the pictures of myself every month were entertaining to look at....I was a chunky monkey!!  It means the world to me to have that book to look at, especially now that we're expecting.  It moved me to tears to read it.  Thanks mom and dad for taking the time to record those early years that I was too young to remember myself, I love you!!!  You inspired me to now look for and find the perfect baby book for our little one :)        

Sleep:  No change....still sleeping well.         

Movement:  Pretty much the same as last week.   

Food cravings:  I was really craving BBQ this week.  I don't know that it was a pregnancy craving necessarily, but I was really wanting to eat some!

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Being able to help with more things.  When we work on going through mom and dad's stuff in the garage I feel bad not being able to help lift the heavy boxes.  

What I am looking forward to:  Spending time with the Hilton/Bemis'll be great to catch up with everyone!  

Milestones:  Baby's is gaining more weight as baby fat fills in underneath the skin.  Also, baby's irises can dilate and respond to changes in light.    

Baby Size:  pineapple 

Weekly Wisdom:  Apparently only 5% of babies are born on their due date. (

30 Weeks

Best moment(s) this week:  Clearing out more of the garage.  Right now my parent's stuff from their old storage unit is in there but we've been looking through it all and transferring it to a new storage unit close by.  We made a lot of progress on it this weekend.  It's been really fun though looking through the stuff and reminiscing.  

Surprising my Little with a trip to the Georgia Aquarium.  It was our last official visit together through Big Brothers, Big Sisters so I wanted to make it a special one.  We had such a great time!!  

Sleep:  I've been sleeping really well, I can't complain.       

Movement:  Still having the more distinct movement, which I love.  It's so neat to be able to see it when I look at my belly and not just feel it inside.   

Food cravings:  I haven't been craving any new foods, but I have been craving tall glasses of ice cold milk and the usual ice water.

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Wearing my cute shoes.  I've resorted to wearing flip flips more and more due to my off and on swelling.  It's so strange sometimes to look down at my feet and think "whose feet are those?", haha.  

What I am looking forward to:  For Russ to be on his way back to this side of the planet :)   

Milestones:  Baby's lungs are now active and ready to take in their first breath of oxygen when he/she makes their debut.  Also, baby's bone marrow is now producing red blood cells.     

Baby Size:  cabbage   

Weekly Wisdom:  Keep a to-do list if you are like me and tend to be forgetful....hellooo baby brain!  As your doctor's appointments become more frequent, it can be easy to forget them or other things you need or would like to get done.

Me and Cynthia at the Georgia Aquarium