Sleep: Better now that I am using my Snoogle again.
Movement: Starting to slow down a's probably running out of room in there. I still feel good movement though.
Food cravings: Meat again...we grilled out for Laura's graduation celebration and the smell of the meat on the grill set my craving into high gear for the weekend.
Gender: Unknown
What I miss: Being able to move around without so much effort. As I get bigger, it gets harder to do even the simplest of things. I wouldn't trade it for the world's all part of the journey.
What I am looking forward to: Our baby shower at home with our friends.
Milestones: Baby sleeps around 90% of the day away and will gain about 1/2 to 1 pound a week from now until birth.
Weekly Wisdom: If you're swelling (like I have been), investing in some support hose or compression socks may be a good idea. I bought a pair and have misplaced them but I'm definitely looking for them now!! Several other moms have shared this wisdom with me and as soon as I find mine, I'm going to be sporting them myself.