Saturday, June 2, 2012

37 Weeks

Best moment this week:  Getting to see and catch up with my friends at the baby shower.  It was Russ's first time to see most of them since he got back from sea.  We're so lucky to have the friends we do....they're like family :)

Sleep:  Sleeping well.  

Movement:  About the same.....movement is still there but no big movements or anything, just small movements. 
Food cravings:  Not craving anything in particular, just feeling hungry all the time lately.  

Gender:  Unknown

What I miss:  Being able to get around easier.  Having a belly makes it hard to do some otherwise simple things that you take for granted before your belly gets big.      

What I am looking forward to:  Spending these last few weeks relaxing at home with Russ before baby comes.   

Milestones:  Baby is now considered "full term", as in all of baby's organs are fully developed.      

Baby Size:  About as long as a stalk of Swiss chard. 

Weekly Wisdom:  If you're having your baby at the hospital, pre-registering (and signing consents) may help cut down on the paperwork you need to do once you're actually admitted.  Be sure to ask your hospital if there's a time limit on how long your pre-register paperwork is good for...some will make you redo it if you're admitted outside of 30 days from pre-registering.

Abby's beautiful homemade cake for the shower

Another angle of the was as delicious as it was beautiful!   

A pic of all the ladies

A pic of me with the guys

Russ and me 

Cynthia, Abby, and Sheena playing a game at the shower

Victory goes to Cynthia!!

Playing another game

Team Russ and Jay clearly didn't win but were really fun to watch....
look at all the applesauce!!
Thanks so much to all of our friends for coming to the shower!!
Russ and I were so overwhelmed by all the love, support, and gifts that we received!!

Russ holding one of the handmade gifts we received....a wooden elephant rocker

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