I thought it would be fun to compile a couple of the old wives' tales about gender to see what they had to say regarding whether our baby is a boy or girl. I'll put my answer to each of the myths off to the side of each one in bold, pink or blue caps and will tally them up at the end to see where the old wives' tales stand regarding our baby's sex. Here we go....
*The old wives' tales referenced below were found in an article on parents.com called 'What the Old Wives' Tales Say About Whether You'll Have a Boy or a Girl' (http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-baby/gender-prediction/wives-tales/).
Sleep position: If you prefer sleeping on left side, it's a boy. Right side, a girl.
Upset stomach: Lots of nausea means girl.
Soft or dry hands: Dry hands? It's a boy. Soft, a girl.
Food cravings: Craving citrus means a girl.
Adult Acne: If you're breaking out, expect a girl.
Graceful or Clumsy: If you feel graceful, as if you're gliding through the day, you're having a girl. Clumsy, a boy.
Face Weight gain: Fuller face means girl.
Sugar and spice food cravings: If you're craving salt, it's a boy. Craving sweet, it's a girl.
Mood changes: Pregnant mood swings indicate a girl.
High or low pregnant belly: Carrying low means boy and high means girl.
Baby weight: If you're carrying baby in front, it's a boy. If baby weight is spaced around your middle, it's a girl.
Pendulum test: Dangle a chain with a charm over palm or belly, if it swings back and forth: boy. If it dangles in a circle: girl.
Model your hands: If someone asked "show me your hands" and you held your hands palms up, it's a girl. If you hold your hands down, it's a boy.
Toddler Advice: Get advice from a nephew or a friend's little boy. If the little boy shows interest in your belly, you're having a girl. If he ignores you, it's a boy.
Eat garlic: If after you eat garlic it seeps out of your pores, it's a boy. If there's no scent, it's a girl.
Key to pregnancy: If you pick up a key at the rounded end, a boy is in your future. If by the long end, a girl.
Even and odd numbers: If your age and year of conception are both even or odd, it means a girl. One even, one odd means boy.
Baby's heartbeat: If baby's heartbeat is more than 150 times a minute, it's a girl. Less than 150 it's a boy.
Stress test: A child tends to be of the same sex as the parent who is less stressed at the time of conception.
Dream meanings: If you dream about having a girl while pregnant, you'll have a boy and vice versa.
Based on the wives' tales listed above, the tally comes to 8 predictions for a boy and 10 predictions for a girl. Now, only time will tell!